World of Peruvian Herbs

some medicinal plants of the Andes and the Amazon

Traditional use:

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LATIN NAME: Cymbopogon citrates (DC) Stapf
Synonyms: Andropogom ciratus DC, A.. Ceriferus Hack


the over-ground part of the plant, roots


Metabolic, anti-vomiting, anti-fever, anti-asthmatic, antispasmodic, sedative, regenerating, antimycotic, antivirus, antibacterial, antioxidant

  • Stomach, digestion problems, indigestion, stomach ache
  • Nausea, vomiting, bloatedness, gripes
  • Inflammation, mould, painkiller
  • A cold, the flu
  • Asthma, bronchitis, fever


Hierba Luisa comes from India. It is a species of perennial grasses that belong to the Poaceae family. As a medical plant it is also grown in South America and other tropical and subtropical regions of the world. It grows in dense groups and makes hefty perches that grow up to 120-150 cm and spread easily thanks to seedlings. Hierba Luisa has long, green leaves of rather sharp surface and the flowers in the shape of rich spikes. All parts of the plant give away a smell of lemon, therefore it is often referred to as “lemon grass”. Other names are: citronella, lemon tea, and yerba limon.


Although Hierba Luisa has little decorative value, it is respected and grown in almost every garden because of its pleasant lemon taste and aroma. The leaves, fresh or dried, are popular food seasoning, but also can be used for making a refreshing drink that effectively soothes stomach ache, indigestion, and protects the liver cells. 
The medical properties of Hierba Luisa are not limited to digestion. It is known as a remedy for many illnesses: digestion issues such as: indigestion, stomach ache, vomiting, bloatedness, gripes, constipation, diarrhea, super-acidity, bacteria Hecicobacter pylori – helps with its elimination, (the results are exceptionally good after drinking the oil). It also helps with headache, nausea, a cold, the flu, sore throat, asthma, fever. It has anti-depressing qualities, it improves the mood, helps with permanent stress, physical and mental fatigue. It boosts concentration and memory. Moreover, it soothes the rheumatism, mycosis, and cellulite (the regular consumption of the brews helps to reduce it).
The Japanese scientist from the university of Kyoto confirmed that the oil of lemon grass successfully eliminates Helicobacter pyroli bacteria, which are responsible for the ulcer disease of stomach.
In the traditional medicine of the West, Hierba Luisa is also used to prevent tooth decay, and tooth whitening by rubbing the leaves on teeth.
In India it is commonly used as antitussive, anti-rheumatic, and antiseptic medicament.
In China the lemon grass is additionally used for regular and efficient blood purification.
Hierba Luisa is also commonly used in the food industry, beauty product industry, and aromatherapy.
Hierba Luisa is a plant of great taste, splendid aroma, it has many benefits to our body, and greatly deserves to be on our shelf at all times.


The oil obtained from the leaves of Hieba Luisa is used for production of perfumes and soap. It is also used, especially in the form of the extract from leaves, for the relaxing and refreshing baths. In order to experience its aromatherapy properties, all you need to is to insert a couple of leaves to a cotton bag and place it under the flow of water running into the bath. You can also prepare the brew from a bunch of leaves and pour it into the bath filled with water. It is simple and very relaxing.

Because of its taste and smell Hierba Luiza is commonly used in Asian cuisine as seasoning for soups, fish, seafood, and many other dishes, especially in India, Thailand, Laos, Sri Lanka, and the Caribbean. 

You can make tasty and healthy tea by pouring boiling water into a portion of dried leaves and letting it brew, or cooking for five minutes.

Although lemon grass has many beneficial properties it is not recommended for children, pregnant women, and breastfeeding mothers. The powdered leaves can serve in the kitchen as an addition to different dishes.